zaterdag 28 februari 2015

Ok one more for this weekend... Freebie! Title page card

Ok I know I'm late with this one, but better late then never, right?!
I made a Title page card for your Project Life album, the cards come in 5 colors and can be ajusted to your family situation! No matter how much kids, dogs or cats you have!
All the icons are included.
Title page card
Download here

vrijdag 27 februari 2015

Freebie Time! Home Sweet Home cards + my goal for this year

Hi everyone,
I made some Home sweet Home 3x4 cards for you,
all the cards come in the 3 colors you see.
I have set myself a goal for this year, I am trying to make one big free Projectc life kit for you guys, and for myself offcourse ;) I will use 5 colors and the cards will come in a variety of them, so you can use the colors you love!
These are the colors I will be using
Keep checking in, so you won't miss out on anything! Or like my facebook page and be the first to know about a new release!
Freebie of today!
Home Sweet Home cards
Download here

zondag 22 februari 2015

Another freebie for you this weekend, 3x4 Calendar cards

Hi everyone,
Yes another freebie for you this weekend, I made 3x4 Calendar Cards and because it is almost March it's better to put these up right away instead of waiting another week, don't you think?!
Every month comes in 3 colors
3x4 Calendar Cards
Download here

vrijdag 20 februari 2015

Freebie time! This is my Life vol1 cards and Facebook frustration...

Hi everyone,

I made another freebie for you, go and grab it!
Every card comes in 3 colors

So facebook thought it was a fun idea to convert my facebook account to a facebook page, they offered me to download all my data and the friends should be converted into 'likes'
Guess what...that doesn't work mr facebook!!
So if you ever find me again and are wondering why I kicked you out, I didn't, facebook did...
Here's the link to my facebook 'page'

It looks like it took facebook 24 hours to put my friends back as 'likes', finally!
I thought I lost you all!

This is my Life vol.1

Download here 

zaterdag 14 februari 2015

Another Valentines Day Freebie!

Another Valentines Day freebie
4 wordarts, enjoy!
Download here

Freebie time! Happy Valentines Day!

I got some Valentine 3x4 cards for you to grab!
All 4 cards come in red and white and vice versa.
Happy Valentines Day!